We are currently seeking individual donations, foundation grants and celebrity endorsements to help secure critical start-up funds to bring our vision to fruition.
CCP has a fiscal sponsorship arrangement with our partner Nautilus Music-Theater, a long-standing nonprofit 501(c)(3) based in St. Paul, Minn., that provides fiduciary oversight. That arrangement allows to us solicit donations from individuals and foundations. Under this agreement, all tax-deductible contributions can be given using the Nautilus Theater’s exempt status and go directly to CommonChord Project.
Since 1986, Nautilus has been a national leader for the artistic growth of music-theater artists to create, develop, and produce new operas and other forms of music-theater. Nautilus is dedicated to the development of new work, along with innovative productions of existing pieces, in order to contribute to the quality and diversity of new American music-theater.
wisdom we love
Leadership is about empathy.
- Oprah Winfrey