Information & registration
Commonchord ONLINE summer INTENSIVE (CCSI), 2020
Music can transcend social cliques, as well as cultural, racial, and political barriers; it seems to almost magically develop a vocabulary that expresses all that most needs Let Out!
This summer, we are offering an exciting 3-week online format that involves deep group dialogue, songwriting, performance, and a co-creative process that culminates in a professional music-video for worldwide release!
Get ready for mighty connectivity and creativity through:
Group and individual Zoom calls.
A private Facebook page and break-out groups.
Outside and off-line documentation and photography assignments in your own locale.
Week One: Fun, safe group conversations; learning about the structure of songs; generating ideas without self-judgment. Writing your own songs, both individually and in small groups. Working sessions with our renowned teaching artists to support melody and lyrical development. Creating and recording a basic demo of your small group and individual songs - including work in arrangement, orchestration, and basics of digital recording.
Week Two: Drilling down and identifying themes that seem to be emerging for deeper exploration for our collective song. Circle singing, improvisation, work in small groups developing sections of the song.
Week Three: Conceptualizing our music-video through the creation of a storyboard and use of photographs. Practice/revision sessions on individual and duo songs and work on our video production. Feedback from renowned songwriters.
Wrap-up: Facebook Live Concert showcasing one of the songs you wrote or co-wrote. As a coup de grace, we debut the collaborative music-video for a wordwide audience!
The workshop is open to 2020-2021 high school sophomores, juniors, seniors and first year college students. No songwriting experience is necessary, some musical background is helpful.
To apply, students fill out a simple questionnaire (push button). To register, a parent/guardian fills out enrollment forms and makes secure online payment (push button).
It’s fun and easy!
Cost: $500
CommonChord Project will assist with fundraising ideas and projects for students accepted into the program. We are also working on developing scholarships.
For more information call (303) 388-1241 or e-mail Jan Nadav at
When & Where
Online! (and Outside!).
Dates: Late July-August, 2020
To Be Determined.