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Why CommonChord? Why Now?


Talk to me, so you can see

What's Going On?


In this time of global crises -- social distancing, school closures, and uncertain futures -- such social brokenness is having a profound impact on the mental health of our teenagers. Isolation is particularly difficult at teens’ stage of development when their focus should be about connecting with peers and becoming independent! Today’s teens have effectively become the “Covid Generation” -- yet their views, feelings, and fears about the world they are inheriting are missing from the public square.

CommonChord Project's answer to these challenges is to cultivate a new kind of cultural leadership of young people — a network of deliberative friendships and collaborations across differences and isolation, that will hopefully last a lifetime.

This summer, we will move to a 3-week online format with deep group dialogue, off-line photography assignments, songwriting, performance, and a co-creative process that culminates in a professional music-video for worldwide release.


wisdom we love

Somebody asked me in an interview, if I had a bumper sticker, what would my bumper sticker be? And I said, 'Just another version of you.' And that's what I think we all are — versions of each other because we have to come to the understanding that we are one. 

- Norman Lear


Artistic Excellence • Creative Risktaking • Lifelong Friendships